Sunday, September 23, 2018

Value Scale and Color Wheel

1.    Discuss what you thought about creating the Value Scale and Color Wheel.
When creating the value scaled, I was worried that I would make it too light too fast so then I think I kept it too dark for too many squares.  I had to go back and edit with an eraser and pencil a few times before the scale was exactly how I wanted it.  The color wheel was fun to make, but I am not sure it turned out how it was intended to. The cyan paint that I bought looked too similar to the primary blue I have. I saw some slight variations in the colors but I don’t think it was exactly the differences that you were looking for.

2.    Which media did you enjoy working with the best and why?
I enjoyed working with graphite and creating the scale. There are so many different tones that you can make and it was fun to experiment and create a nice scale of gray tones.    

3.    What was the most important discovery in the creation of these studies?
I think figuring out how to create the value scale and discovering that trial and error is the best way to make something the way you want it. There are so many different grey scales that not all will be the same, but that doesn’t mean one is correct and another is not.  

4.    What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?
I don’t know if I agree that the true primary colors are magenta, cyan and yellow, but it was fun to use and experiment with the colors as shown in the video.  When making my value scale I did not put spaces between each scale as the video showed, I liked keeping mine next to one another so I could see better the gradual change.  

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